Chad's Story |
The CHADEFFECT of Chicagoland is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit. We encourage team and character building and help under resourced youth play sports. We carry out our missions in schools, homeless shelters and in everyday living.
CHADEFFECT was inspired by Chad Cooke of Bolingbrook, IL who passed away suddenly of an undetected heart condition on December 23, 2014 at the age of 20. Chad loved God, his family and friends. And he loved playing sports, especially basketball. Chad was never the biggest, fastest, strongest or tallest player on the basketball court, but was determined to work harder than most. He was the first one to practice and the last one to leave. Chad had a passion for the game and a dream to play Division 1 College Basketball. Chad began his junior year of high school with high hopes of being recruited. However, adversity struck in the form of a broken wrist. He refused to give up his dream of playing college basketball and decided to attend The College of Charleston in Charleston, SC. Again Chad faced adversity as coaches told him he was too small to play. After months of training, Chad tried out for the College of Charleston Men’s Basketball team and made the team! Chad had a contagious personality and became a popular favorite on the team. He loved people and made a difference everywhere he went. Chad loved to serve his community alongside Emily Kerr, founder of Charleston Hope, and wanted to make a difference in this world. His passion was to help kids with their homework and sports and give under resourced kids the opportunities he had. Charleston Hope is thriving today! His cousin, Jen Vliet started Akron Hope, similar to Charleston Hope and its thriving too! Chad’s favorite basketball player was Michael Jordan who wore #23. He was born on April 23, 1994 and Passed away in December 23, 2014. We’ve coined the 23rd of every month CHADEFFECT day. Chad had a positive effect on many. WHAT'S YOUR EFFECT? Help us spread THE CHADEFFECT